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Chapter - 17

Chapter 17: ...Funeral plans and rebelion.

Its been a day and i still couldnt belive it there dead my PARENTS are dead and only yesterday i picked the floweres my mum planted.

"Tasha baby you need to eat and we sorto need to arrange th funeral as your parents are going to be here soon and they want you to have a check to see if it is them as there body is to messed up please Tasha" I looked up and nodded my head no and Kyle sighed and sat down beside me and i snuggled into him.

"Tasha talk please its been a day we have to plan im sorry" I looked up and nodded no again and got up and we were in my parents room i slept in my bed but i came in here early this morning as it smelt like them.

2 Days Later...

There here the bodies i mean and they wanted me at the hospital morgue so i was getting ready in loose sweats and a tank top and i went downstairs and Kyle was waiting at the door and he knew i wouldnt talk i havent been talking a lot well i havent been alotogether and when the police left it was like i had gone on shutdown mode.

I nodded and we went out of the room and i got into the driver side of the car and Kyle got in the passenger side and i started the car drive and it felt like a couple of seconds went as i pulled up into the parking lot of the hospital and i thought back the tears that were threating to spill and i guess Kyle saw as he grabbed my hand and squessed and i looked at him and smiled.

I let go of his hand and got out and i remembered it was my 18th birthday tomorrow and i forgot that thought as soon as it came to mind nd i walked over to Kyle and grabbed his hand and he put his hand around me and pulled me into his side and we alked up to the front doors and i hesitated but i looked at Kyle and he was the only thing that was making me from not turning aound and getting back into my car and going home.

We walked up to the front desk and the women asked for our name and Kyle answered and the women gave me and apoligetic smile and i just nodded and she led us the way until we got to big double doors and the women montined her hands and said when your ready and come out whenether your ready and i smiled and nodded.

I went in with my hand still in Kyles and there were two metal beds and two bodys on them will the sheet over there heads so i unclasped my hands from Kyle's and walked over to the first body and took a deep breath and lifted the sheet from over the head and without looking i went over to the next body and did the same and when i took a step back i gasped at what i saw?.

Please comment or vote i dont care if negative or not i just want to know what you thiny of my story i really whant to know what you all think :)
